06/10/2021 - introductory webinar on 13 principles of agroecology
13/10/2021 - Webinar on the key role of farmers seeds in the agroecological transition
This second webinar of the “Month of Agroecology” will address the process of co-construction of knowledge between agroecological science and practice through the exciting topic of farmers’ seeds!
“Seeds are at the heart of agriculture and are part of the agronomic, socio-cultural, economic and political dimensions of the agroecological transition. Several major issues, such as the preservation of cultivated biodiversity, adaptation to climate change, peasant autonomy and food sovereignty, are linked to it.In the field, on farms, the use of peasant seeds implies different ways of working and producing which sometimes require farmers to reappropriate peasant practices and create new ones. Horizontal sharing, in particular through farmer-to-farmer exchanges, is essential in this process of reappropriating peasant knowledge and know-how and participates in the co-creation of practical and scientific knowledge, one of the 13 principles of agroecology that will be explored during this Month of Agroecology.
These are the aspects that will be explored, discussed and debated during this webinar. The speakers will share their experiences of working with farmers’ varieties, the associated knowledge and know-how and the opportunities and constraints of their use, particularly in market gardening.
20/10/2021 - webinar on how biodistricts are empowering and re-embedding agroecological food systems in local economies?

- Jostein Hertwig (Norway): Coordinator of the United Nations Core initiative ” Organic Food System Programme” and Head of Beras International Foundation
- Ceesare Zanazi (Italy): Associate Professor at Bologna University and Member of the Scientific committee of IN.N.E.R (International Network of Eco-Regions)
- Aina Calafat (Spain): Responsible for advocacy and international projects at SEAE (the Spanish Society for Organic Farming)
- Salvatore Basile (Italy): President of IN.N.E.R. (International Network of Eco Regions) and co-President of GAOD (Global Alliance for Organic Districts)
- Karen Hoberg (Spain): Economist and Board Member of the SEAE (the Spanish Society for Organic Farming)