Save the date for the Webinar “Transforming dietary patterns for the agroecological transition in Europe: how to achieve the protein transition?” on the 27/10 from 17:00 to 18:30 (CET)

In order to meet the challenges of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, preserving biodiversity, and improving animal welfare, public health, and…

Continue ReadingSave the date for the Webinar “Transforming dietary patterns for the agroecological transition in Europe: how to achieve the protein transition?” on the 27/10 from 17:00 to 18:30 (CET)

Participatory field workshop : “How to build an agroecological farm project as young farmers?” on Saturday 8th of October 2022 at Ortofficina Società Agricola (Nova Milanese) – in Italian

On the 8th of October 2022, a participatory field workshop was held at Ortofficina Società Agricola with the aim of…

Continue ReadingParticipatory field workshop : “How to build an agroecological farm project as young farmers?” on Saturday 8th of October 2022 at Ortofficina Società Agricola (Nova Milanese) – in Italian