The International Agroecology Action Network (IAEAN)
The International Agroecology Action Network (IAEAN) is a network and consultancy group composed of concerned scientists willing to work hard…
The International Agroecology Action Network (IAEAN) is a network and consultancy group composed of concerned scientists willing to work hard…
The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter
Agroecology has become a territory in dispute.
While mainstream institutions and corporations for years have marginalized and ridiculed agroecology, today they are trying to capture it.
FAO has launched a new online Agroecology Knowledge Hub at: The website is aimed at maintaining and promoting information…
Ten Years For Agroecology (TYFA) is a project originating from a 2012 Brussels expert meeting on Integrating biodiversity in CAP…
A new brochure showcasing examples of best practice farming and food initiatives from around Europe has just been published. Agroecological…
Bruxelles. 9 et 10 décembre.
2 jours sous le signe de l’agroécologie et l’alimentation solidaire en vue d’une agriculture respectueuse de l’homme et de l’environnement et d’une alimentation durable pour toutes et tous.
Field trip objectives
Sharing knowledge
This trip is an ideal moment to mix people from different backgrounds: farmers and their supports already engaged in agroecology, farmers in transition towards agroecology, and various categories of individuals in charge of rural development.
In September 2014 the International symposium on agroecology for food security and nutrition was held in FAO HQ, Rome. This has been followed in 2015 by three regional meetings in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia and the Pacific.
Congresso Internacional Online de Agroecologia.
International Symposium on Agroecology for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in Kunming, China.