Séminaire “Teaching agroecology: methods and outstanding initiatives”

26 avril après-midi et 27 avril matin à l’ENSFEA (Toulouse)

champ de bléCe séminaire international est une des activités de la International Summer School on Agroecology (ISSAE), un projet de Partenariat Stratégique du programme Erasmus + (http://issae.univ-tlse3.fr).
L’ISSAE explore et dissémine les stratégies pédagogiques pluridisciplinaires qui favorisent l’autonomie, le développement de l’esprit critique et la créativité. (more…)

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Time to put a common policy on the menu – OP ED from Olivier de Schutter and slow food founder Carlo Petrini

biodiversity(02.02.2017) IPES-Food co-chair Olivier De Schutter joined forces with Slow Food president Carlo Petrini today to call for a Common Food Policy for the EU, as the European Commission opened the public debate on CAP reform.
In an op ed published in Politico, De Schutter and Petrini argued: “Rather than focusing on what subsidies go to which farmers, the EU should be thinking much bigger. Ambitious reform of food and farming systems can help address some of the bloc’s most pressing problems.” (more…)

Continue ReadingTime to put a common policy on the menu – OP ED from Olivier de Schutter and slow food founder Carlo Petrini