Agroecology Europe is looking for a young, motivated researcher in agroecology to work in the H2020 AGROMIX. Women are encouraging to apply.
Title of the project: “AGROMIX – AGROforestry and MIXed farming systems – Participatory research to drive the transition to a resilient and efficient land use in Europe”
Duration: 48 months
Keywords: Agroecology; Agro-forestry; Ecosystem management; Carbon capture and sequestration; Socio-ecological systems; Participatory research; Transdisciplinary; Reflexive Innovative Design; Location-based Serious Games; Greenhouse Gas emissions accounting
Consortium: The project has 28 partners.
Summary of the project:
The AGROMIX project aims to deliver participatory research to drive the transition to a resilient and efficient land use in Europe. It focuses on practical agroecological solutions for farm and land management and related value chains. AGROMIX makes use of a network of 83 sites with Mixed Farming (MF), AgroForestry (AF) or value chain stakeholder networks, which are used to measure, design, model, test and improve these systems. A nested approach will be used to conduct 12 codesign pilots across Europe. In addition, 6 replicated long-term trial sites are used for detailed analysis (crops and livestock).
AGROMIX has 6 specific objectives:
1)Unlock the full potential of synergies in MF/AF systems.
2) Develop and promote value chains and infrastructure for MF/AF produce.
3) Develop the MIX-A toolkit to co-design and manage MF/AF systems in practice.
4) Identify and model transition scenarios.
5) Develop policy recommendations and action plans for a successful transition. 6) Maximise the impact and legacy of the project for building low-carbon climate-resilient farming systems. AGROMIX uses a transdisciplinary multi-actor research approach with 10 universities, 7 research institutes and 11 multiactor partners. It will use Reflexive Interactive Design methodology to include stakeholders in participatory co-design and implementation of MF/AF systems. The research starts with a work package (WP1) on context, co-creating a resilience framework. WP2 on systems design and synergies is at the heart of project. WP3 on indicators and scenarios will refine the greenhouse gas inventories for MF/AF systems and model transition scenarios. WP4 develops and tests the MIXapplication/ serious game.
Further WPs are on economics and value chains, and on policy co-development, action plans and dissemination delivering impact and exploitation through practical innovations on farms, in value chains, at different policy levels and through communication and knowledge hubs across Europe.
Main role of AEEU and the person to be employed is in WP6: WP6. POLICY CO-DEVELOPMENT will address the issue of public goods from agriculture and forestry and the current bottlenecks for mixed systems related to lack of MF/AF-adapted policy frameworks. The overall aim is to contribute to policy development to support national and EU (post-2020 CAP) policies to overcome trade-offs and conflicts brought by specialisation scenarios. This will support agroecological transition to mitigate climate change and improve adaptability, and suggest new policies at regional, national and EU level for farmers, advisers, processors and others stakeholders.
This will be achieved through the following objectives: (a) to provide an assessment of EU existing policies and their role in national and regional implementation to support MF/AF systems; (b) to identify strategies for policy improvement; (c) to identify new and improved policy design and implementation options; (d) to collate a catalogue of MF/AF-adapted best practices; (e) to provide a gender-balanced assessment of policy recommendations. Work will be organized with a list of goals, in coordination with the project coordinator (Paola Migliorini) and the AEEU secretariat (Laurence Eeckhout).
Graduated with PhD and good expertise in EU agricultural and food policy. Your enthusiasm and strong involvement in project work with multiple partners will be needed. You have the capacity to work autonomously and interdisciplinary with other researchers of Agroecology Europe and AGROMIX partners.
Please send your application (CV, cover letter, degrees, publication list) to: info@agroecology-europe.org
For further information you may contact Paola Migliorini, President of Agroecology Europe: p.migliorini@unisg.it