impacts of covid-19 on food security and nutrition: developing effective policy responses to address the hunger and malnutrition pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic that has spread rapidly and extensively around the world since late 2019 has had profound implications for food security and nutrition. The unfolding crisis has affected food systems1 and threatened people’s access to food via multiple dynamics.
We have witnessed not only a major disruption to food supply chains in the wake of lockdowns triggered by the global health crisis, but also a major global economic slowdown.
These crises have resulted in lower incomes and higher prices of some foods, putting food out of reach for many, and undermining the right to food and stalling efforts to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: “Zero hunger.” The situation is fluid and dynamic, characterized by a high degree of uncertainty.
According to the World Health Organization, the worst effects are yet to come (Ghebreyesus, 2020; Khorsandi, 2020). Most health analysts predict that this virus will continue to circulate for a least one or two more years (Scudellari, 2020).
Read the all document : here !
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, caused by human-made habitat destruction and biodiversity loss and dramatically accelerated by a frantic globalised world, calls for a deep rethinking of the overall economic system and of the systemic nature of the relationships between humans and the environment they are part of. In this perspective, redesigning agricultural and food systems upon agroecological principles is of paramount importance.
Agroecology Europe wants to shed light on this complex issue by collecting relevant scientific material that highlights the multi-faceted and systemic nature of the pandemic as well as of the solutions to recover from it, and the important role that Agroecology could play in this game. Here you find an essential repository of such documents, with the links to access them.

Different papers and press release you can download:
COVID-19 and the crisis in food systems (by IPES-Food) : read here !
Agroecology in times of COVID-19 (by Altieri and Nicolls) : read here !
Agroecology and Food Sovereignty to face COVID-19 crisis (by Agroecology Europe Youth Network): read here !
Further readings and links:
COVID-19 and Agroecology reading list of FAO Agroecology Knowledge Hub (
A battle plan for ensuring global food supplies during the COVID-19 crisis (
Preliminary monitoring report on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Human right to Food and Nutrition ( )