Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems
Call for Papers and Opinions – First Issue 2020 –
Agroecology – Can we change our food systems? –
Submissions until February 29, 2020
Landbauforschung is peer-reviewed and indexed in CAB Direct, Science Citation Index Expanded,Current Contents – Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Scopus, Web of Science.
Currently it has an impact factor of 0.406 (JCR 2018).

The strict integration of agro-ecological concepts into food production is fundamental for combining local resources with agricultural production. It is also essential for securing the future stability of our global and local food systems. Food sovereignty, meaning independent selection, production and consumption of food products, can be a driving idea for local action. But both small holder farmers in local markets as well as farmers in globalized markets need perspectives for their future existence, for the stability of their systems, and multidimensional goals for production – including, for example, high efficiency and nature protection. This field is wide and not really new – but comprehensive ideas for scientific, practical and social development are still needed.
Tell us about your experiences in and visions for this field. 1) How can agroecosystems be stabilised to generate and secure future food production and income for the farmers? 2) Can agriculture be improved to be a future basis for local work and wealth? 3) What do farming systems based on agroecology concepts look like? 4) What strategies foster the integration of those concepts and the future transition of agriculture?
Please contribute to this issue.
We publish original research papers and science-based position
papers from all scientific disciplines. We are interested in
worldwide experiences and scientific insights.
Please find more
information at
Dr. Hans Marten Paulsen
Chief Editor,
Thünen Institute of Organic Farming
Prof. Dr. Jens Dauber
Guest Editor,
Thünen Institute of Biodiversity
Editorial Office
Landbauforschung Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems
Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute
Trenthorst 32, 23847 Westerau, Germany