Co-creation calL
Proposals to the co-created programme of Agroecology Europe Forum 2025 are enthusiastically welcomed from members of Agroecology Europe, partner organisations and anyone interested in sharing about agroecology, including all countries and professional roles. Prior knowledge of agroecology, or direct linkage to, agroecology is not necessary. Read more about the principles of agroecology here. We encourage thinking creatively and outside the box when designing your proposals for programme sessions. Inclusion, participation and interaction are key. The proposals will be reviewed by the organisation committee and then evaluated by the content committee.
The programme proposal does not need to be a completely finished session plan when submitting. You are welcome to submit a well-phrased idea with a clear purpose and defined co-organisers, that can be further developed in dialogue with the organisers.
NB: The programme sessions are self-funded, more information on tickets and participation fees will be announced.
Session Topics
The Agroecology Europe Forum 2025 is designed as a 3-day workshop, where each day has its own theme. We are looking for proposals under the following session topics:
- DAY 1 – Visions of agroecological transformation
We delve into the visions of agroecology through future thinking and visionary work, and immerse into the mindset and culture shifts required for the agroecological transformation.
- DAY 2 – Exploring transformative pathways
We branch off into the many possibilities that agroecology proposes to food systems transformation, to tackle challenges and to explore, develop and showcase solutions. The second day will also offer public activities. The second day includes the following transformative pathways:
Agroecological food production on field, farm, community, landscape and system level. Explore the outcomes of an agroecological transition – what do the production systems look like and what does the food taste like? Dive into the connection between planetary health, soil health and human health. Explore practical examples of seeds of change happening right now.
Moving towards long-term perspectives in food systems. Consideration of the possibilities in blue and green perennial production systems – from cereals, agroforestry and animal integration to fishing, herding and foraging, and beyond. The effects perenniality has on other sectors in the food system, and what kind of support is needed for it to grow and thrive.
Economic theories, business models and practices for agroecology and food systems transformation – from small businesses to communities and whole societies. Includes key issues of economic viability, innovation and entrepreneurship, land ownership, generational shifts, the true value of food, collective solutions, finance, philanthropy, governance, and more.
Highlighting the social and cultural meanings of the agroecological transformation for citizens and communities in the urban and the rural. Spanning topics such as human relations, democracy, philosophy, spirituality, rights, values, morality, mobilisation and organisation, the role of media, art and communication in the context of agroecological food systems.
Focus on current policy opportunities and challenges to support an agroecological transformation on local, regional, national and international levels in Europe and beyond. For example, public governance, regulations, strategies, urban/rural planning, CAP, and more.
Developing transformative agroecological education and research, both formal and informal. Including, for example, experiential and social learning, pedagogy, critical and applicable research, farmer-to-farmer learning, farmer-to-researcher collaborations, extension services, and creating synergies across the continent to cultivate next generation agroecologists.
Creating the fundament for the establishment of a Nordic agroecology network, digging into the opportunities and challenges of an agroecological transition in the Nordic territory. We learn from, and build on, the experiences from the 1st International Congress of Mediterranean Agroecology.
- DAY 3 – Moving into action
Look ahead and move forward! Bring back learnings from the previous days of the Forum and work out concrete steps for taking action, for example drafting policy briefs, developing action plans and roadmaps, or creating working groups. We end the Agroecology Forum on a hopeful and joyous note!
Session types
All programme sessions are in-person activities. They can either be designed to accommodate only Forum-participants (closed session) or to also include public guests (open session during Day 2). The session types are, but not limited to:
- Keynote presentations
- Workshop
- Mini-presentations (TED-style talks)
- Poster session
- Exhibitions
- Panel discussions
- Roundtable
- Field visits
- Market and exhibition stands (food and no food)
- Performances
- Fire-side chats
- Storytelling
- Masterclasses
- Speed networking
Poster submission
For the Agroecology Europe Forum 2025, we’re shaking things up a bit. We will have a poster session as per tradition, but this year the posters will be required to present information in a popular science format, to be included in a public exhibition on-site. You are welcome to apply with your abstract of maximum 300 words (in English) through the proposal submission.
- Submission limit: each participant may propose a maximum of 3 programme sessions.
- Correspondence: the person submitting the proposal is the program session coordinator, responsible for communications on behalf of all co-creators.
Contact: the project coordinator from MiljöMatematik Malmö AB: sitha@miljomatematik.se.
We look forward to receiving your proposals!
Kind regards,
The Agroecology Europe Forum Organising Committee