Our Spanish colleagues, SEAE, have organised on the 9th of June (18h-19h30) an interactive webinar on “Experiences from Agroecology: organic livestock and regenerative livestock” in Spanish.
This webinar has been a very successful event and gathered more than 50 key participants with full exchanges on how organic livestock and regenerative livestock can participate in the agroecology transition. 300 interactions have been reached through social medias and interactions have taken place.

In Spain, regenerative agriculture and livestock farming are gaining momentum and represent promising production systems in economical, environmental and social plans. At the request of producers who implement these different systems, the Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture (SEAE), in liaison with the Iberian Association of Regenerative Agriculture, organised an exchange meeting between these agroecological experiences.
The aim of this webinar was to open a space of exchange and sharing between practitioners in order to learn from each other and to promote possible synergies: what kind of practices do they carry out ? How can these practices complement each other and what management practices can we learn from each other?
The discussion was conducted in Spanish and was animated by Rocío Ureña Pardo, veterinarian, member of SEAE, and included the testimonies of two pioneers: Andrés Gómez from Granja Zael, who has set up a regenerative farming system in the region of Castilla y Leon, and Alfredo Cunhal from the farm Freixo de Meio, a 650 ha organic and agroforestry farm located in Portugal.