General Assembly
The official meeting of members of the Association. The General Assembly defines the general strategy of the Association.
Groups of members of the association who develop and organise activities in a specific area of interest. Working Groups shall be set up for a specific task and shall be abolished once the work has been completed.
Currently, AEEU has an active Gender and Intersectionality Working Group.
The General Assembly elects the Board to implement the strategy of the Association and to control finances and administration. The Board shall report to the General Assembly on the activities and the finances of the Association.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for promoting, implementing, and co-ordinating the activities of the Association as approved by the Board. It guarantees the vision of the Association.
Staff members carrying out the daily work of the Association related to its core activities, network building, policy advocacy, and involvement in European projects. The office team is based in Brussels, Belgium.