Brussels, the 27 September 2023
Agroecology Europe is publishing this open-letter in the attention of Mr. Robert Telus, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland, reacting to the document ‘The impact of the draft Regulation on Nature Restoration for Agriculture’ that the Polish delegation disseminated and presented in the AGRIFISH Council on 18 September 2023.
Agroecology Europe highlights the contradiction and short-term approach stating that “the objectives of agricultural policy must focus primarily on encouraging farmers to manage a rational economy and guarantee food security in the EU and on a global scale”.
In this open-letter, we remind that this supposed opposition between socio-economic and food security objectives, on the one hand, and biodiversity conservation objectives, on the other, are misleading narratives that are not scientifically grounded. In our commitment to supporting the development of public policies that align with scientific evidences and the common good, Agroecology Europe emphasises the utmost importance and urgent necessity of adopting an ambitious law for nature restoration, as the window of opportunity to improve ecosystem resilience, restore biodiversity and fight against climate change – three cornerstones for EU and global food security – narrows.