New Book released on “Advances in measuring soil health”

We are pleased to inform you that Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing just released a new book on “Advances in measuring soil health ” edited by Professor Wilfred Otten, Cranfield University, UK.

This new book reviews the development of better analytical techniques to measure the biological, physical and chemical properties of soils and discusses their implications for better management of farm soils.

The collection also surveys developments in measuring soil physical properties through advances in visual, imaging and geophysical techniques, as well as the methods used to measure chemical properties such as soil organic carbon.


As AEEU members, you will be able to benefit from 20% off the purchase of the book if purchased via the Burleigh Dodds website. Enter code AGEC20 at checkout to receive this saving. Please note that this code is valid until 19th September 2021.

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